
Contact Indigo Knecht for more information!


still processing (2021) - Full orchestra

dear mama (2021) - Sinfonietta

free the black birds (2019) - Full orchestra


up a notch (2022) - Concert band grade 2.5

are you there? (2015) - Concert band grade 3


today (2019) - Short opera; libretto: Connor Long


transcending boundaries (2022) - Horn quartet

assertive. moral. force. (2021) - Brass quintet

all i want is… (2021) - Clarinet, violin, cello, and piano

you got it?! (2021) - C Tuba and percussion

MILA FOG (2020) - Small chamber ensemble with video

Three Furies on the Poems of Anne Sexton (2020) - Soprano and piano

Suite for Clarinet and Saxophone (2019) - Clarinet and alto saxophone

the sun will rise (2019) - String quartet

turtles (2018) - Flute and soprano

no matter how hard i try… (2018) - Small chamber ensemble

shot glass heard ‘round the world (2018) - Brass quintet

today, i’m singing (2018) - Flute, horn, cello, and piano

i want to know (2018) - Flute, oboe, and soprano

fever dreams (2017) - Percussion duo

gender roles (2017) - Bass flute and F tuba

the sun will rise and we will try again (2017) - Flute quartet

catastrophesia (2017) - Flute and C tuba

spilt red, mostly white, and very blue (2017) - Horn and trumpet

like a flowing river (2017) - Flute choir

tiny tantrum (2017) - Tuba and piano

inwardly bending (2016) - Violin duet


relentlessly rising (2022) - Bassoon and live electronics (Max/MSP)

in your orbit (2021) - Bass clarinet and fixed media

crash and burn (2021) - Tuba and live electronics (Ableton Live+Push)

navigating through (2021) - Tenor saxophone and live electronics (Max/MSP)

an ode to the developing tubist (2020) - Tuba and live electronics (Max/MSP)

la nuit porte conseil (2020) - Oboe

quick ‘n’ dirty (2020) - Alto saxophone

going backwards (2020) - Percussion and live electronics (Max/MSP)

a lil’ lost (2020) - Alto saxophone

mellowing (2020) - F tuba

The Fury of Guitars and Sopranos (2019) - Soprano

a lesson in patience (2017) - Solo percussion

self-destruction at its finest (2017) - Solo piano

and the leaves will fall (2016) - Alto saxophone

tiny tantrum (2016) - Flute

Fixed Media

just trying not to… (2019) - Fixed media, Logic Pro X

slipping (2018) - Fixed media, Logic Pro X

music is my major (2018) - Music concrète

you’re delusional (2018) - Fixed media, Logic Pro X


Sonic Warming (2021) - Interactive sound installation, Arduino+Seeed+Max/MSP

Fidget Muse (2021) - Microcontroller (prototype), Arduino+Max/MSP